N. E. Woolls Intermediate School Home

Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day

Hondo ISD is a 3A school district serving approximately 1800 students in Medina and Frio counties. The district has 4 campuses: Hondo High School, McDowell Middle School, Woolls Intermediate School, and Meyer Elementary School.


thank you to our crossing guards

Happy Crossing Guard Day!

We would like to give a huge shoutout to our amazing school crossing guards who show up every day-rain or shine- with a smile and a wave, keeping our students safe as they travel to and from school. Your dedication, kindness, and watchful eyes mean the world to our Woolls community.

Thank you for all that you do. We see you, we appreciate you and we are so grateful for your service!
dress code

Dress Code Reminder

As temperatures rise, remember to follow the school dress code! Let's keep our outfits school-appropriate, comfortable and respectful of the guidelines.

Need a refresher on the dress code? Check out the attached guidelines from our Hondo ISD student handbook.
Spring break march 10-14, holidays 3/17-18 and interssesional 3/19-21

Happy Spring Break !

We hope every one of our Woolls families has a safe and happy spring break! All Intersessional invites have been communicated or sent out.

We will see everyone back on March 24th ---ready to finish the school year strong! #WoollsProud
Library spring break

Spring Break at the Hondo Public Library

Explore and immerse yourself in the country's rich culture and traditions, delectable cuisine, must-visit attractions and so much more...

Register to library events by scanning the QR Code or go to:

Photo Gallery

students working together
students working together
Student Working
Student Working