Hondo ISD is a 3A school district serving approximately 1800 students in Medina and Frio counties. The district has 4 campuses: Hondo High School, McDowell Middle School, Woolls Intermediate School, and Meyer Elementary School.
If your child was absent the first time, or you would like your child to have a retake, please turn in their retake form to their teacher. Teachers will only send students to photographer if parent signs and returns their form. If you are needing a retake form, please contact the Woolls front office before 3:00 p.m. to ensure your child is sent home with one.
We're excited to announce our PTO fundraiser! Enjoy the cooler temperatures with a cozy, #WoollsProud blanket! Orders will be accepted Nov 4-14th. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED in an effort to ensure blankets are delivered before we break for Christmas. The blanket is Soft, plush, hemmed and will measure 50in by 60in. The classroom that sells the most blankets will receive a pizza party with extra recess!